The Lucy Faithfull Foundation Scotland and Police Scotland have teamed up to bring you a FREE, one-hour evening event to help you keep your child safe online.
A survey of over 1000 parents and carers in Scotland found that most parents want to better understand the digital world their children are experiencing in order to keep their child safe. Our event will provide you with information and advice on three of the biggest challenges of the digital world children are living in:
. Pornography
. Nudes (sharing intimate images)
. Online sexual harm
The purpose of the event is for you not just to come away more informed, but to be provided with practical advice and tools to help your child navigate these online challenges.
We will be delivering the event 4 times throughout March 2025, tailoring the event to particular audiences.
Wednesday the 5th of March, 2025, 7pm-8pm – online – parents and carers of S1 and above children
Tuesday the 18th of March 2025, 7pm-8pm – online – parents and carers of P5/6 children
Tuesday the 25th of March 2025, 7pm-8pm – online – parents and carers of children with additional special needs
Wednesday the 26th of March 2026, 7pm-8pm – in person , Edinburgh Location TBC (hopefully Drummond CHS) – parents and carers of S1 and above children
PLEASE NOTE: This event will be discussing sexual harm. This event is not appropriate for children to attend.
Here is a the link to both the online and in person event: