At Forrester, we strive to develop as a caring, inclusive Learning Community which meets the diverse needs of all our learners, where all our young people can access the highest quality learning and are supported to develop their imagination, awareness and a sense of responsibility.
This will enable them to gain the skills, experiences and qualifications they need to achieve success and to play their part in shaping the world for the better.
Our Values
Our school values have been developed in collaboration with students, parents and staff. These are well-matched to the aspirations of our communities and the professional values of our staff. Our values are summarised in the following statement:
Together we…
Respect – Believe – Achieve
At Forrester we aim to:
- Work closely with parents and other partners to achieve the best possible outcomes for all our learners
- Respect and celebrate diversity and the contribution that all individuals make to the richness of our school community
- Support our young people to be successful, to set ambitious goals for themselves, and to recognise and achieve their potential
- Help students build the confidence and skills which will enable them to make a valuable contribution to society and to thrive in their lives beyond school within a competitive, globalised economy
- Build resilience, self-belief and emotional health and wellbeing.
Our 3 Rules
In every class, staff will uphold our 3 classroom rules. These rules have been developed in collaboration with students, parents and staff to create consistency with what we expect from our young people. By committing to and engaging with this agreed rules, we believe students will experience a calm, respectful and enriched learning environment. Our rules are summarised in the following statement:
Be Ready –Be Respectful – Be Responsible