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0131 334 9262

School Ties

Dear Parent School ties are now available to buy through Parent Pay. Your account on Parent Pay is now set up to enable you to purchase the correct tie for your child automatically. Thanks and best wishes. Stephen Rafferty Head Teacher

Microsoft Teams, Two-way Video Functionality

Dear Parent You will know from reading my recent update that we are about to switch on the two-way video functionality within Microsoft Teams. Although student cameras will be enabled within teams, only teachers will be able to initiate Teams Meetings or Teams Calls. This will allow staff to work face-to-face with students remotely, for […]

Head Teacher Update 29/11/20

Dear Parents and Students It has been a busy few weeks since my last update and although staff and students continue to work hard to keep each other safe, we have now started to see positive cases in school, resulting in students and staff having to self-isolate. As I write this update, the Scottish Government […]

Developing the Young Workforce

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) 21 regional groups are preparing to launch an equalities focused week of events and social media campaign across Scotland on w/c Monday 16th November 2020. The week campaign will be aimed at employers, parents and young people that promotes, illustrates and celebrates diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They will […]

Correction to my update

… tomorrow we are back to week two in our rotation and I look forward to seeing everyone back safely. Sorry for any confusion caused. Stephen Rafferty Head Teacher

Head Teacher Update 1/11/20

Dear Parents and Students They say a week is a long time in politics. It feels that the opposite is sometimes true in the life of a school. The weeks are flying by amid a climate of constant change and update. The need to respond to changes in guidance and legislation, which can often be […]