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Head Teacher Update 21/11/21

Dear Parents and Students It seems that COVID 19 is not going away any time soon and, although our safety measures are now well-established and routine, these need to be carefully balanced against the risk to our young people’s health and wellbeing and educational progress. In my last update (7/11/21), I spoke about our decision […]

Boroughmuir 1 Forrester 5

Congratulations to our fantastic S2 boys who kicked of the season with a 5 – 1 win against Boroughmuir at Meggetland this morning.

New Support for Families Webpages

Find up to date information on the support and activities available for families across Edinburgh at If you need help finding support for you or your child, email #EdinSupportingFamilies

Head Teacher Update 7/11/21

Dear Parents and Students It’s hard to believe that it is already two weeks since half term, and the change to single periods. While there are obvious benefits to working in this more ‘normal’ way, such as brining a greater variety to the school day and increased frequency of lessons, it will take a bit […]