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News Sheet Wednesday 31st May 2023

Breakfast club Please come along to breakfast club for bagels, fruit, cereal, porridge or just a drink of milk! Footpaths All pupils are reminded that they should walk around the school grounds using the designated paths.  You should not walk through the carpark, cut across the grass pitches or climb over any of the wire […]

Head Teacher Update 5/3/23

Dear Parents, Carers and Students ​ The weeks are flying in and already we are two weeks into the SQA exams. Our senior students are coping well with the pressures of exams and finishing off assessments, while our junior students are being respectful of the need to be quiet around the exam areas. Ready – […]

North West News and Opportunities 28/4/23

280423 News and Opportunities This week’s bulletin has news and opportunities from: Tummies not trash Corstorphine Community Centre People Know How CEC Consultations GrantonHub North Edinburgh Arts Royston Wardieburn Community Centre Friends of Lauriston Castle Estate Almond and Western VSF Activities leaflet Funding, vacancies and more

North West Nest and Opportunities 20/04/23

200423 News and Opportunities This week’s bulletin includes news and snippets I have come across from:   Mum and baby fitness at Stockbridge Parish Church Pilates for Women at Spartans Academy Good Death, Good Grief event Safe Slow Stockbridge initiative EVOC Sector Update Could you become a foster carer for a child from a minority […]

Head Teacher Update 20/4/23

Dear Parents and Carers The Summer Term has got off to a really good start and I have been thanking students in assemblies for the outstanding respect and community support demonstrated by everyone at the end of term. I have also been highlighting some changes and reinforcing important messages, as detailed below. Change to break […]