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P7 Virtual Information Open Afternoon

It is at this time of the year that we, the staff at Forrester High School open our doors and invite the parents and young people looking to join us in the next school session, August 2021, to have a tour of the school, meet the staff and get an opportunity to see our school […]

UCAS Guide – applying to University

Please click on the link below to access an extremely useful resource for parents of students applying to University. The guide has been written by one of the Parent Council members at James Gillespie’s High School and they are happy to share for the benefit of others.  UCAS Guide – getting into University, a guide […]

Head Teacher Update 18 September 2020

Dear Parent The first holiday of the term is upon us already, and staff and students are looking forward to a well-earned long weekend. There is no doubt that working in the way we are at the moment is exhausting and the energy levels are lower than we would normally see at this time of […]

S2-6 Student iPad Application Form – Round 3

Round 3 is now open for anyone in S2-6 who have not yet applied for a school iPad. If you don’t have one and would like to apply, please complete the application form using the link below. Please be aware, the form will close again on Tuesday 22nd September at 11.45pm to allow us to […]

Head Teacher Update 11 September 2020

Dear Parent Despite the great effort of everyone here at school and all of you at home, the progress being made in suppressing the COVID-19 virus is moving more slowly than we would all like. With an increase in the restrictions on our lives, we were reminded this week that we must continue to be […]

Head Teacher Update 5/9/20

Dear Parent   Another busy week passes for everyone at school, as we settle into the rhythm of the new term. On Monday, we implemented updated guidance on the wearing of face coverings in school, and I wrote to you on Monday afternoon to thank you for your support and to say how impressed we […]

Student Survey – Double Periods

We are asking all students to complete this short survey to give us some feedback on our double period timetables. This will allow us to gather opinion and see if there are issues arising which we might be able to learn from as we move forward. Thank you. Double Period Survey for Students

Head Teacher update 29/8/20

Dear parent Please find below a short update and some links to keep you informed of changes and developments in school. Face Coverings Following an announcement from the Scottish Government, you should have received a letter on Thursday from the City of Edinburgh Council which contained updates on a number of important themes including the […]

Head Teacher update 23 August 2020

Dear Parent I am pleased to say that our first full week back in school has gone well, with almost all students adapting to our new ways of working. This week has given us a chance to test and make adaptations to our plans, such as, putting in place wet weather alternatives for PE and […]

Headteacher Update (days 2 and 3)

It was great to see S3 and S4 back at school on Thursday and then S5 and S6 on Friday. The 5 months out of school seemed to be quickly forgotten as everyone settled back in really well. Thank you for your support in making sure students arrived at the right time – this really […]