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Composite Class Survey (Primary School)

Dear Parents,

City of Edinburgh Council are consulting with parents, carers, school staff and pupils around our current guidance for selecting pupils for a composite class.

Whilst composite classes are only in primary, we would appreciate feedback from parents of older children who may have experienced a composite whilst in primary.

Composite classes are a normal part of primary school education in Scotland and have become more common. The maximum class size for a composite class is 25 pupils. This applies to all composite classes in Scotland, regardless of the age and number of year groups within the class.

In Edinburgh, when planning composite classes, year groups are not normally be split 3 ways, for example, a P2 year group would not be split into P1/2, P2 and P2/3. A split of P1/2 and P2/3 would be acceptable.

Headteachers are responsible for organising a composite class. Currently in Edinburgh, the main criterion for selecting pupils for a composite class is age – so the oldest pupils from the younger year group will be grouped with the younger children from the older year group. In other words, we use date of birth as our main criterion. Head Teachers may also consider the gender balance of the classes and pupils in each stage.

We invite you to participate in our survey – this can be accessed by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it into your web browser.

The survey will be open until Sunday 26th January 2020.