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0131 334 9262

Dress Code Update April 2017

The school will continue with the same dress code policy moving into the new academic year 17 – 18.

For Juniors S1-3: All pupils should wear a Black or White Forrester HS polo top or a White shirt and relevant house tie. Black trousers/Skirt and black footwear. A black FHS jumper / sweatshirt or plain black jumper can be worn on top.

Seniors S4-6: All pupils should wear a shirt and relevant house tie with black trousers/skirt. An FHS school logo sweater or cardigan or a plain Black jumper can be worn over the shirt. (S6 pupils will wear an FHS S6 green tie)


  • Leggings are not dress Code and pupils continually wearing them will be asked to wear a skirt provided by the school; or be sent home to get changed.
  • Skirts should be professional length( Excepted as appropriate dress in the work place)
  • Hoodies are not dress code and should be removed within the school.
  • Jackets, scarfs and hats should be removed in the building, and either carried, in bags or placed in pupil lockers for the duration of the school day.  At no time should any of these items be worn in class.
  • If a pupil is cold in school wearing a shirt, it is advised to wear a black FHS jumper on top.
  • Pupils are encouraged to wear a black jacket to school, removed on entering the building and as per previous bullet point, only put back on on leaving the building.

To order school dress code, please follow the link below:

School ties can purchased from the schools main office any time. For further clarity, please visit the school webpage:

The new timetable for all pupil starts in June, so S3 pupils will need to purchase their relevant house tie before this date.

Thank you in advance for your continued support on this matter