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Head Teacher Update 19/8/22

Dear Parents and Students

I am writing a very brief update this evening to thank you for the incredibly positive start to the new term. Thanks for all the work you have obviously done at home, preparing students for their return. It was great to see almost all students arriving back in full dress code. I know this has taken a lot of effort at home, which is greatly appreciated. I am aware that one or two families are still awaiting delivery of uniform – please let us know if there is anything we can do to speed things up or to support in the meantime.

Please continue to contact Sarah Ross if you need any support with dress code.

Visiting classes on Wednesday and Thursday, I emphasised the importance of making a good start and getting into good habits. For senior students, the message was about starting early and organising their studies to reduce pressure later in the year.

Our new S1 have made a really positive start and, with the help of our fantastic S6 buddies, are already becoming familiar with their new surroundings.

Next week is the first full week for students and we already have our first trip with Ms Sutherland leading groups to the Edinburgh Book Festival.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Best wishes

Stephen Rafferty

Head Teacher