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Head Teacher Update 26/5/24

Dear Parents and Carers

Please find below some updates on the following:

  • New Timetable
  • Under 16 Lothian Cup Winners
  • Scottish Cup Success
  • Success in Basketball
  • National Youth Theatre
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Enterprising Maths Challenge

New Timetables

A reminder that the school timetable changes tomorrow.  We start the timetable in May to maximise the opportunities for learning and achievement. Students should now all have their new timetables. This includes senior students who were issued timetables in induction assemblies on Friday morning. We want everyone to make the best possible start and I would ask you to support your child to arrive on time (8:25am) and go straight to period 1 class for 8:30am. Please refer to my previous update or the website link for the new structure of the school day.

Under 16 Lothian Cup Winners (3-1)

Having made it to the final three times, our under 16 football team were not going to let this chance slip away as they came out on top of a closely fought contest to lift the Lothian Cup against Portobello on Friday night. Congratulations to the team and huge thanks to our coaches, Paul Fraser and Kieran Millar, and manager, Morv Richardson, for their dedication and support. We are all so proud of the boys for putting Forrester back on the football map, having not won the cup for over twenty years. Congratulations to:

  • Harry Moffat
  • Hayden Rendall
  • Riyad Elmrabty
  • Kayden Clark
  • Wisdom Avies
  • Jaden Riddell
  • Finlay Hannah
  • Lucas Quinn
  • Jack Bathgate
  • Jack Richardson
  • Arran Matheson
  • Cole Fraser
  • Tommy North
  • Warren Coats
  • Tyler Wilson
  • Tyler Barnes

Scottish Cup Success

Double congratulations go to the eight players who also won the Scottish Cup with Edinburgh City last week. This is the second time they have won this trophy and they are making winning a bit of a habit. Congratulations to:

  • Arran Mathieson
  • Harry Moffat
  • Jack Bathgate
  • Jack Richardson
  • Jaden Ridell
  • Lucas Quinn
  • Riyad Elmrabty
  • Thomas North

Success in Basketball

Congratulations to Carter McSweeney on being selected to represent Scotland in the annual Tri Nations Basketball tournament. We wish Carter all the very best as he goes up against Wales and England in Manchester next month.

National Youth Theatre

Angus Dunn and Nerea Porterfield have been accepted into the National Youth Theatre and will undertake an induction course in Glasgow this summer.

This is an incredible accomplishment, and when they complete their training they will be in the company of NYT alumni like Helen Mirren, Daniel Craig, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Orlando Bloom. Well done to you both!

S3 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award (Rained off)

Despite the rain, a group of brave explorers set off on their Bronze Expedition early on Thursday morning. Unfortunately, the weather continued to deteriorate, and our leaders took the tough decision to abandon the expedition. This proved to be a very wise decision as the rain continued to pour down, causing travel chaos and the closure of bypass. Thank you to our dedicated team of staff who are already looking for an alternative date to go again.

P7 Enterprising Maths Challenge

It was great to meet our P7s who visited the school to take part in the Enterprising Maths Challenge on Wednesday. The pupils took part in 4 rounds, puzzle, relay, speed and quiz and behaved impeccably. They were an absolute credit to their schools and we look forward to welcoming them back for P7 induction in June. Thanks to our Maths team and all the primary staff who made this such a successful event.

Finally, it’s a busy few weeks ahead for the school. I’m looking forward to judging at the YPI final on Tuesday night and to celebrating our outgoing S6 at the prom on Friday. Next Thursday we will be celebrating success at out Awards Assembly. On Tuesday 11th June, we welcome P7 parents for an information evening, prior to a meeting of the Parent Forum (Parent Council AGM) from 7:00pm. The following week we will host our P7s for their induction visits (from Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th June).

I look forward to meeting many of you at these events.

Thanks and best wishes

Stephen Rafferty

Head Teacher