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Head Teacher Update 5/12/22

Dear Parents and Students

Please find below some updates regarding Prelims and Study Support

National Qualification Assessments (Prelims)

Prelims will run from Monday 16/1/23 to Tuesday 31/1/23. Please see Prelim Timetable which gives details for each individual subject. Students should check this carefully and ensure they have dates and times marked in their diaries.

Prelims provide an important measure of progress and robust evidence to inform estimates for SQA.  We want to give everyone the best possible chance of success and, therefore, would like to draw your attention to the study support available in all departments. Please contact your subject teacher or Curriculum Leader for more information.

Achieve (online Study Platform)

I am delighted to announce that the school has been granted permission to use Achieve, an online Study Platform. Achieve is a fantastic resource designed to support students studying for National Qualifications. With Learn, Assess and Self-evaluation modules, Achieve is extremely powerful and super-easy to use.

Students can sign up by going to: For more information, including the school sign-up code, please see the Achieve Student Support Pack, linked below.

I hope that this helps students manage their time and prepare for important assessments.

Thanks, and best wishes

Stephen Rafferty

Head Teacher