‘You don’t take a photograph, You make it.’
Ansel Adams (1902-1984)

Higher Photography is a course that is offered to S5 and S6.
- applied use of camera controls and a range of photographic techniques and processes
- the ability to produce investigative research for photography and to plan, shoot, print and develop photographs
- exploration and experimentation with a range of photographic media, manipulation techniques and processes
- producing creative and technically proficient photographs
- effective management and storage of photographic images
- critically self-reflecting and evaluating their own work and the photohgraphic work of others.
There are 2 internal units, Image Making and Contextual Imagary, and an Project that is externally Assessed at SQA. There is also a written exam.
Image Making – pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of camera techniques and controls and will investigate and analyse the factors which influence photographers and their work. They will apply their knowledge of light and image formation when creating photographic images. They will use exposure times, composition and framing creatively for photographic effect, organise their files and output their photographic images.
Contextual Imagery – pupils will explore and experiment with using a variety of photographic techniques, technology and processes. They will use their understanding of the social and cultural interplay between photographers and society when developing their own personal, creative approaches to photography. They will plan, produce and present photographic images in different styles and genres.

Photography Project – students will produce a self initiated photographic project. They will produce a series of 12 images relating to their chosen brief. In this project the pupils will demonstrate the following skills;
applied technical and creative photographic skills.
project planning skills.
critical thinking and evaluation skills.