The Senior Leadership Team includes the Headteacher, a Business Manager, three Depute Head Teachers, and a Senior Development Officer.
Stephen Small – Head Teacher
The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for ensuring high standards in all areas of school life. At a time of almost continuous change in Education, the Head Teacher ensures coherence and progression through the process of Improvement Planning. The Head Teacher is responsible for ensuring high quality learning, teaching and assessment as well as for leading the development of the school curriculum; pastoral care of pupils; personnel management (including the recruitment and development of staff); and the overall management and allocation of school resources.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Leadership and Management of the school
- Raising Attainment and Achievement
- Quality Assurance
- Staff selection and recruitment
- Improvement Groups coordination
- Reporting on Standards & Quality
- Improvement Planning
- Complaint resolution
- Financial management
- Health & Safety
- Advisor to Parent Council
- Promotion of the school
- Student Voice
- Link Departments: Modern Languages, Science
Depute Headteachers
Our Depute Head Teachers (DHTs) are responsible for the implementation of school policies, such as those relating to behaviour management and pastoral care. Depute Head Teachers also have a key role in improving Learning and Teaching, raising attainment and assuring quality within link faculties, and across the school.
Each Depute Head Teacher has overall pastoral responsibility for a caseload of pupils and works closely with a Pupil Support Leader to ensure the welfare of pupils. Together, the Depute Head Teacher and Pupil Support Leader act as ‘key adult’ for pupils and the main point of contact for parents.
Depute Head Teachers take a close interest in the progress of individual students and encourage participation in all aspects of school life.
Martin Ennis
DHT Curriculum
- Senior phase curriculum management
- Whole school timetable
- Senior phase admissions and placements
- Internal & external examinations
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy
- Career-long Professional Learning Coordinator
- Induction Manager
- Probationer Induction
- Induction of new staff
- Leadership
- Student regent
- Management of FHS collegiate activity time and in-service programmes
- Induction Manager
- Coordinate funded activities including School of Football
- Head of House (Redpath)
- Link departments – Music/Drama, Art, Home Economics and Craft, Design and Technology (HE & CDT), Physical Education
Lisa Coffey
DHT Pastoral Care and Additional Support for Learning
- Primary/secondary liaison coordinator
- Cluster coordinator
- P7-S1 Transition
- Equality, diversity and anti-bullying
- Child protection designated officer
- Manage and coordinate Broad General Education (s1-3) admission and placements
- Line manage, lead and co-ordinate the Additional Support for Learning Team, including Pupil Support, Support for Learning, Wellbeing Hub and Enhanced Support Base
- Link with partner agencies including Life-long Learning, Education Psychologist, Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Youth Agency, Counsellors, Education Welfare Service, etc
- Pupil Support Group (PSG) Coordinator
- Looked-after Children (LAC) and Young Carer Coordinator
- Attendance Coordinator
- Junior and senior award ceremony coordinator
- Head of House (Telford)
- Link Departments: English, Pupil Support, Support for Learning, Enhanced Support Base, Wellbeing Hub
John MacPhie
DHT Learning and Teaching
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Broad General Education curriculum management
- Positive behaviour/ethos policy
- Attainment for All
- Tracking and Reporting S1-6
- 16+ Coordinator
- Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
- Skills Development Scotland Liaison
- Link with DYW Coordinator
- Business Links
- School/college liaison
- LEAPS Coordinator
- Universities and College Admissions Service (UCAS) Coordinator
- Assembly Programme Coordinator
- Head of House (Burns)
- Link Departments – Maths and Computing, Business Education, Social Subjects
Anne Crawford
Business Manager
Specific Responsibilities:
- Finance and Budgetary Monitoring
- Health and Safety (delegated)
- Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Coordinator
- Communications
- Facilities Management
- Absence Management
- Human Resources
- Continued Professional Development (non-teaching staff)
- Statistical Returns
- Parent meetings and reporting
Eilidh McLaren
Senior Development Officer
- Strategic Leadership of other PEF roles
- Responsibility for Attainment of Equity Groups (including in Broad General Education)
- Contribute to Senior Leadership Team
- Contribute to duty rota
- Managing inclusion budget and moneys brought in to support equity
- Support the use of data to inform improvement
- Work closely with primary schools to identify learners’ levels of attainment and track these throughout the Broad General Education (BGE).
- Develop and sustain partnerships to support the attainment of vulnerable learners
- Work with partners to develop and promote Family Learning
- Improve the school’s ability to engage and involve parents
- Build teacher professional practice in relation to equity
- Lead aspects of improvement planning in relation to removing financial barriers to learning
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of planning on individual pupil and school performance
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of financial planning on individual pupils and on school performance in relation to PEF.