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Young Scot – Young People Survey (11-25yr Olds)

The Scottish Youth Parliament, YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot are partnering to deliver #LockdownLowdown.

#LockdownLowdown is a survey asking young people from every community in Scotland to share their concerns about COVID-19. The results will help to identify what young people in Scotland are worried about in relation to COVID-19 – and the wider impact it’s having on their lives.

The anonymous information will be shared with stakeholders. These include the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, COSLA, Local Authorities and others, who can use the insights to feed directly into policy design and service provision in response to the pandemic. At Young Scot, we will tailor our daily digital information based on the responses to the survey to ensure that young people have all the information they need.

Please note the survey will close on the 17th April 2020.

Please Retweet our message and share the survey with young people you know and encourage them and their friends to take part.

Thank you