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Head Teacher Update 18/2/21

Dear Parents and Students I am writing today to explain our plan to bring groups of senior students back into school to engage in essential learning in preparation for practical assessment. This is the most complicated change we have so far been asked to put into operation. Although this mainly affects senior students, it will […]

Head Teacher Update, 5/2/21

Dear Parents and Students We have made it to half-term, and we can all now enjoy a well-deserved break from school-work. Next week should give everyone a chance to re-charge their batteries, ready for whatever comes our way. (I stopped trying to predict these things a long time ago.) You might be glad to hear […]

Head Teacher Update 31/1/21

Dear Parents and Students When we closed school for the Christmas holidays on 22nd December, little did any of us know that we would still be working remotely and learning online. Next week we enter our fourth week of online learning. We know this situation will continue until at least the middle of February, and […]