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Head Teacher Update 17/6/24

Dear Parents and Carers As we head quickly towards the end of term, I am writing to provide some brief update on the following: Parent Council AGM P7 Parents’ Information Evening Consultation Event, Tuesday 18th June Primary 7 Three-day Induction Visits Sports Day End of Term Parent Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) Last Tuesday’s AGM […]

Head Teacher Update 26/5/24

Dear Parents and Carers Please find below some updates on the following: New Timetable Under 16 Lothian Cup Winners Scottish Cup Success Success in Basketball National Youth Theatre Duke of Edinburgh Enterprising Maths Challenge New Timetables A reminder that the school timetable changes tomorrow.  We start the timetable in May to maximise the opportunities for […]

Head Teacher Update – 30/4/24

Dear Parents and Carers Please find below some updates relating to: New Timetable and changes to the structure of the school Day Curricular changes Memorial Bench for Joshua Oliver Law Scholarship Parent Council Activities week

Head Teacher Update 3/9/23

Dear Parents, Carers and Students I hope your weekend is going well. Today’s update includes information about: Standards and Quality Report Charity football match to remember Andrew MacKinnon Forrester High School Sports Membership Business Live Conference Letter from Amanda Hatton regarding (RAAC) Parent Council Supported Self-evaluation Standards and Quality Report and Improvement Plan (SQIP) The […]

North West News and Opportunities 31/8/23

310823 News and Opportunities This week’s issue has some new funding sources as well as news from:   Community Grant Deadline for applications to Forth NN this weekend and for Western NN it’s 17th September. LIFT @Muirhouse Millenium Centre Health in Mind PCHP, Men’s Wellbeing in Nature Group Corstorphine Community Centre Almond & Western VSF’s […]

News Sheet Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Breakfast club Please come along to breakfast club for bagels, fruit, cereal, porridge or just a drink of milk! MVP Training – S5/6 only If you have not yet signed up for MVP training but would like to be involved, please see Miss Sheail in Music 1 All Years – School Show If you would […]

Head Teacher Update 20/8/23

Dear Parents, Carers and Students It was great to see everyone back last week and I wanted to write to thank you all for the positive start. Everyone was well prepared for the return and looking fantastic in full dress code, with S4-6 really leading by example. Our new S1 have made an excellent start […]

Forrester High School Summer Newsletter

Dear Parents and Students Somehow we have made it to the end of the school year, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the commitment and support you have given to the school. I also have to say a  huge thanks to our fantastic staff who have worked tirelessly all year, […]

Forrester High School News Sheet 21/6/23

Breakfast club Please come along to breakfast club for bagels, fruit, cereal, porridge or just a drink of milk! S6 pupils Please go to the Assembly Hall during Period 1 and 2 on Friday. Ms Sheail Library Returns All pupils must return their library books before the end of term. Ms Sutherland Lateness If you […]