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Head Teacher Update

5th October 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

My name is John Johnstone and I am the new Acting Head Teacher at Forrester High School.  It is an honour and a privilege to support such a successful and thriving community during Mr Rafferty’s absence.  The vision of our school community is: Together We Respect, Believe and Achieve has never been more relevant or appropriate, as we seek to continually improve outcomes for the young people at Forrester High.

I hope that parents and carers continue to play a significant part in helping Forrester to maintain our high standards and adhere to the three rules of the school; be ready to learn, be respectful to everyone in our community and be a responsible citizen. Excellent attendance at school is crucial if your young person is to achieve their very best potential.

Your views are important to us as we strive to engage families in young people’s learning.  To that end we would like to remind parents that they are very welcome to join the parent council.  Our next meeting is the 14TH of November.  If you are interested in attending, please email for further information.


John Johnstone

Acting Head Teacher