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The Curriculum

S1-3 Curriculum

Our S1-3 Curriculum at Forrester is a continuation of the Broad General Education (BGE). It builds on the strengths developed in Primary School and prepares students for success in the Senior Phase. At this stage the curriculum is built around experiences and outcomes within the following 8 curricular areas:

  • Expressive Arts
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Languages (including English and Modern Languages)
  • Mathematics
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Sciences
  • Social studies
  • Technologies

In the BGE, Students are assessed holistically, against identified milestones or Benchmarks, during their learning. A learning review, at the end of S2, provides an opportunity for personalisation and choice – learners choose subjects to specialise in, within the 8 curriculum areas.

The Senior Phase

The Senior Phase is designed to build on students’ strengths and to equip them for life beyond school through the development of skills, qualities and qualifications. In the senior school (S4, S5 & S6), students study a variety of subjects at different levels. The courses on offer are described in the Course Choice section of our website.

The new National Qualifications are now well embedded, with minor adjustments to Nationals, Higher and Advanced Higher assessments being made due to the impact of COVID 19.

National Qualifications consist of internally and externally assessed components which contribute to the final grade for each student.
Teaching staff will assist students by advising them of the appropriate levels of study for each new session. It is vital that every student consult their subject teachers before making provisional choices. Final choices should then be decided in consultation with parents and Pupil Support Leaders.

The Senior Phase at Forrester has been designed to support individual learner pathways. The information below provides an outline of the senior phase curriculum and the individual pathways available to students. More detailed information on pathways for the Senior Phase is given during briefing sessions, as part of our coursing process.


In S5/6 all students will be given the option of attending college as part of their school course choices. These courses will prominently run at Sighthill, but some will take place at Granton. Sessions take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Students are responsible for applying themselves and should alert their Pupil Support Leader.
Pathways in Senior Phase

S4 Students

  • Choose six subjects (including Maths or Applications of Maths, and English)
  • Four periods per week in each subject
  • One period of core Social Subjects
  • One period of core Social Education
  • Two periods of core Physical Education

S5 Students

  • Choose five subjects (level 4 to 6 available)
    Opportunity for work-based learning on Fridays
  • Option of two-year Foundation Apprenticeship
  • Opportunity to enrol in two-year Career Ready programme
  • Introduction to college course
  • Various wider achievement and skills-based opportunities

S6 students

As above plus:

  • Core Personal Development
  • Physical Education (optional)
  • Wider achievement including leadership opportunities


http://SCP Senior Phase Guide 2024/25College

In S5/6, Students are given the option to attend college as part of their working week, this is considered as one of their course choices.

Most courses run at Sighthill, with a few operating from Granton. All courses  take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Please view the college padlet for information